“When we start following the path of personal development, sooner or later it leads us to work with the body – why you ask? At some point you are starting to notice that it’s impossible to treat all those parts separately: mind-body-spirit.”


The treatment is a customised therapeutic session focused on problematic tensions allocated in your muscles & tissues, conducted in a safe, firm but gentle way.


  • Improves Posture: Helps align and balance the body.

  • Regulates Biorhythms: Supports natural body cycles and functions.

  • Improves Circulation: Boosts blood and lymph flow for better nutrient delivery and waste removal.

  • Enhances Immune System: Strengthens the body's defenses by promoting overall health.

  • Deeply Relaxes: Provides profound relaxation and stress relief.

  • Promotes Natural Healing: Aids in the body’s healing processes.

PLACE: Dawn Collective Shala, Vale da Telha / Aljezur / Lagos


Chi Nei Tsang is a therapeutic practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Taoist healing traditions. The term "Chi Nei Tsang" translates to "working the energy of the internal organs". It is a holistic approach to wellness that involves gentle, deep abdominal massage aimed at promoting physical, emotional, and energetic well-being.


  • Improved Digestion: Helps relieve issues like bloating, constipation, and indigestion.

  • Detoxification: Promotes the elimination of toxins from the body.

  • Relieves Menstrual Cramps: Eases menstrual discomfort.

  • Reduces Back Pain: Addresses abdominal tension linked to back issues.

  • Stress Reduction: Releases tension stored in the abdomen, which can help reduce overall stress levels.

  • Emotional Balance: Assists in processing and releasing negative emotions, leading to a more balanced emotional state.

  • Enhanced Energy Flow: Improves the overall flow of energy in the body, which can increase vitality and well-being.

PLACE: Dawn Collective Shala, Vale da Telha / Aljezur / Lagos

Choose your practice of healing & rejuvenation

  • CNT offers comprehensive benefits that can enhance your physical, emotional, and energetic health.

    PRICE: 90 min : 85 €

  • 4 x Chi Nei Tsang Treatment

    Each session builds on the previous one, progressively enhancing the health of your internal organs, improving chi flow, and deepening relaxation and emotional release.

    PRICE: 4 x 90 min : 300 €

  • You have the flexibility to choose the length of your treatment based on your needs and preferences:

    • 60 Minutes: Ideal for those with a tight schedule or for targeted relief of specific issues. This duration allows for an effective session focusing on primary areas of concern, providing significant benefits in a shorter time.

    • 90 Minutes: Perfect for a more comprehensive and thorough treatment. This extended session offers the opportunity to address multiple areas of the body, achieve deeper relaxation, and experience a more profound therapeutic effect.


    60 MIN : 70 €

    90 min : 85 €

  • 4 x Deep Tissue Massage Treatments : Repeating treatments offers a long-term benefits, from sustained muscle tension relief and improved posture to better stress management and immune function. Regular sessions help maintain physical and mental health, making them a valuable component of a holistic wellness routine.

    PRICE: 4 x 90 min : 300 €

  • The massage was deep and powerful. You really took your time to get in touch with what my body needed and I felt nurtured all the way. It felt easy to let go and surrender to the healing hands.

    Jur, Netherlands

  • Klaudia's massage was amazing. She massaged deep into the painful muscles and even managed to shift the migraine I had when I went in. Brilliant work. I feel so grateful!

    Ann, UK

  • After each session my mind relaxed and my body experienced a feeling of wonderful lightness and relaxation, in a dimension in which increased my range of movement. Tension and pain disappeared.

    Kinga, Poland

  • The versatile techniques she used during the massage were brilliantly complemented by powerful breath work. From the very first moment, I felt comfortable with Klaudia, who has an incredible energy!

    Alessia, Italy