call for co-creation ☾

call for co-creation ☾

Join Me in Creating a Unique Experience

Dear Dancers, Tantra Practitioners, Body Workers, Yoga Teachers, Nature Lovers,

Are you passionate about body and it’s wisdom, movement, connection, freedom of expression? Do you dream of creating a transformative experience that brings together people who share a love for embodied living, joyful expression, and supportive community? Do you see the body as vessel for transformation and deep dive into exploring yourself, others and nature around you? Are you longing for co-creation after a long time doing things on your own?

If so, I invite you to join forces with me in co-creating a unique retreat experience.

My Vision: I aim to create a retreat that celebrates the joy of movement and the beauty of connection. A space where individuals can reconnect with their bodies, voices, and authentic expressions. Our retreat will be a sanctuary for moving, exploring, studying, dancing, sharing, and simply being together in nature's embrace.

If this vision resonates with you let’s connect and explore the details.

Join Me: Let's come together to create a retreat where movement, joy, and connection thrive. Reach out to me to discuss how we can combine our talents and passions to bring this vision to life.

With love and excitement,


Let's make magic together!